Trainings/Workshops Announced by DPE during 2021-2022
(To View Program Schedule, please click on the Training Name)

SN Training Type Training Name Training Mode Duration Venue Institute Name Level of Participants
1 Training Issues related to Public Procurement/GeM and Contract Management / Arbitration in CPSEs E-Learning September 14-17,2021 NA NPC NA
2 Training Implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)/Ind-AS in CPSEs E-Learning September 15-21,2021 NA ICMAI NA
3 Training HR related issues like RTI Act, Establishment Rules, Review under FR(56)j, Enquiry & Disciplinary Proceedings, Vigilance etc. E-Learning September 27-29,2021 NA ISTM NA
4 Training Building Competencies for Personal Excellence of CPSEs executives E-Learning September 27-29,2021 NA AOL NA
5 Training Implementation of Corporate Governance Framework for enhancing the performance of CPSEs [in terms of Companies Act 2013 and SEBI (LODR) Regulations. E-Learning September 27-October 01,2021 NA IIMS NA
6 Workshop RTI Act E-Learning September 27-28,2021 NA AJIFM NA
7 Training Gender Sensitization & Women empowerment in CPSEs E-Learning September 29-October 01,2021 NA IIPA NA
8 Workshop Contract Management / Safeguards to be taken in tendering,procurement and contracting E-Learning October 04-05,2021 NA ICMAI NA
9 Training Best practices to improve Board functioning in CPESs E-Learning October 11-13,2021 NA IICA NA
10 Training Aatm Nirbhar Bharat identification of Sector specific opportunities for CPSEs E-Learning October 20-22,2021 NA IIMS NA
11 Training Building Competencies for Personal Excellence of CPSEs executives E-Learning October 25-27,2021 NA AOL NA
12 Training Cyber Security E-Learning October 25-29,2021 NA NPC NA
13 Training Regulatory framework/guidelines for CSR activities by CPSEs and its challenges E-Learning November 08-12,2021 NA ASCI NA
14 Training HR related issues like RTI Act, Establishment Rules, Review under FR(56)j, Enquiry & Disciplinary Proceedings, Vigilance etc. E-Learning November 15-17,2021 NA ISTM NA
15 Workshop Cyber Security E-Learning November 25-26,2021 NA IIMRK NA
16 Workshop Women empowerment in CPSEs E-Learning November 25-26,2021 NA IIPA NA
17 Training Building Competencies for Personal Excellence of CPSEs executives E-Learning December 06-08,2021 NA AOL NA
18 Training Issues related to Public Procurement/GeM and Contract Management / Arbitration in CPSEs E-Learning December 06-10,2021 NA NPC NA
19 Workshop Corporate Governance E-Learning December 06-07,2021 NA ICMAI NA
20 Training HR related issues like RTI Act, Establishment Rules, Review under FR(56)j, Enquiry & Disciplinary Proceedings, Vigilance etc. E-Learning December 13-15,2021 NA ISTM NA
21 Training Aatm Nirbhar Bharat identification of Sector specific opportunities for CPSEs E-Learning December 22-24,2021 NA IIMS NA
22 Training Regulatory framework/guidelines for CSR activities by CPSEs and its challenges E-Learning January 03-07,2022 NA ASCI NA
23 Training Cyber Security E-Learning January 10-13,2022 NA NPC NA
24 Training Implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)/Ind-AS in CPSEs E-Learning January 17-21,2022 NA ICMAI NA
25 Workshop RTI Act E-Learning January 20-21,2022 NA AJIFM NA
26 Training Case studies on best practices to professionalize below Board level management operation with specific thrust on implementation of DPE guidelines E-Learning February 02-04,2022 NA IICA NA
27 Workshop Cyber Security E-Learning February 03-04,2022 NA IIMRK NA
28 Training Building Competencies for Personal Excellence of CPSEs executives E-Learning February 07-09,2022 NA AOL NA
29 Training HR related issues like RTI Act, Establishment Rules, Review under FR(56)j, Enquiry & Disciplinary Proceedings, Vigilance etc. E-Learning February 14-16,2022 NA ISTM NA
30 Training Public procurement management, e-procurement management, GeM and contract management Residential February 14-18,2022 NA NPC NA
31 Training Building competencies for Personal Excellence of executives of CPSEs Residential February 21-25,2022 NA AOL NA
32 Training Cyber Security Residential February 28-March 04,2022 NA NPC NA
33 Workshop Contract Management / Safeguards to be taken in tendering,procurement and contracting E-Learning March 07-08,2022 NA ICMAI NA
34 Workshop Women empowerment in CPSEs E-Learning March 24-25,2022 NA IIPA NA
35 Workshop Online review meeting on procurement through Gem by CPSEs E-Learning March 24-24,2022 NA
36 Workshop Online workshop on procurement from MSEs by CPSEs E-Learning March 25-25,2022 NA