Trainings/Workshops Announced by DPE during 2022-2023
(To View Program Schedule, please click on the Training Name)

SN Training Type Training Name Training Mode Duration Venue Institute Name Level of Participants
1 Training Implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)/lnd-AS in CPSEs Synchronous September 12-16,2022 Online ICMAI Middle,Junior
2 Workshop Gender equality and Women empowerment Residential September 14-16,2022 Delhi IIPA Middle,Junior
3 Training Outsourcing and Contract Management for Competitive Advantage Residential September 19-22,2022 Kharagpur IITK Middle
4 Training Communication and Persuasion in the Digital Age Residential September 19-23,2022 Jammu IIMJ Middle
5 Training Strategic Marketing Management Experience Design and Technology Management Approach in Digital Era Residential September 19-23,2022 Guwahati IITG Senior,Middle
6 Workshop General/ Office Administration and HR related issues like RTl Act, Establishment Rules, Review under FR (56)j, Enquiry & Disciplinary Proceedings, Vigilance etc. Synchronous September 20-22,2022 Online NPC Middle,Junior
7 Workshop Certificate Course in Insolvency and Bankruptcy Laws and Procedure Residential September 26-27,2022 Manesar IICA Senior,Middle,Junior
8 Training Capital Market Reforms Residential September 26-30,2022 Hyderabad ASCI Senior,Middle
9 Training Project Planning and Monitoring Residential October 10-14,2022 Hyderabad ASCI Senior,Middle
10 Workshop Managing Stress and Health issues Synchronous October 10-12,2022 Online IIPA Middle,Junior
11 Workshop Contract Management Safeguards to be taken in tendering, procurement and contracting in CPSEs Non Residential October 17-18,2022 Delhi ICMAI Middle,Junior
12 Training Building Competencies for Personal Excellence Residential October 17-21,2022 Shillong AOL Senior
13 Training New Labour Codes for employers and professionals of CPSEs/ SLPEs. Residential October 17-21,2022 Kodaikanal NPC Middle,Junior
14 Workshop Negotiatin Skills Residential November 07-08,2022 Kharagpur IITK Middle,Junior
15 Training Effectiveness of Compliance Management focusing DPE Guidelines, Companies Act 2013 and SEBI regulation for better Governance and Responsible Business for New India Residential November 07-11,2022 Imphal IICA Senior,Middle
16 Workshop Gender sensitization and women empowerment of CPSEs/ SLPEs Synchronous November 09-09,2022 Online NPC Senior,Middle,Junior
17 Workshop Registration; E- Invoicing; Returns; TDS & GST TCS under GST Law and Advance Ruling under GST Law Non Residential November 14-15,2022 Delhi ICMAI Middle,Junior
18 Training Building Competencies for Personal Excellence Residential November 14-18,2022 Gangtok AOL Senior
19 Training Stategic Leadership Program for Public Sector Enterprises Residential November 14-18,2022 Vishakhapatnam IIMVM Senior,Middle
20 Training Supply Chain Management Residential November 14-18,2022 Kharagpur IITK Middle,Junior
21 Training Industrial Artificial Intelligence in Industry 4.0 Residential November 14-18,2022 Guwahati IITG Middle,Junior
22 Training Empowering Decision Making with Data Analytics Residential November 14-18,2022 Amritsar IIMAR Senior,Middle
23 Training Training Programme on Contract Management/Safeguards in tendering, public procurement and contracting with special focus to Public Procurement Policy for Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) vide Order Residential November 14-18,2022 Puri NPC Senior,Middle,Junior
24 Workshop Leadership Development Programme for Professionalizin below board level officials Residential November 28-30,2022 Delhi IICA Senior,Middle
25 Training Risk Management (Total/Enterprise) Residential November 28-December 02,2022 Hyderabad ASCI Senior,Middle
26 Workshop Introduction to intellectual property IP and managing firm IP Residential November 30-30,2022 Indore IITIR Senior,Middle
27 Training Corporate Branding In Digital Era Synchronous December 12-16,2022 Online IIMVM Senior,Middle,Junior
28 Workshop Public Grievance Management and Citizen Centric Governance, development of Citizen Charter Synchronous December 20-21,2022 Online NPC Middle,Junior
29 Training Training Programme on Contract Management/Safeguards in tendering, public procurement and contracting with special focus to Public Procurement Policy for Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) vide Order Residential January 16-20,2023 Puri NPC Senior,Middle,Junior
30 Workshop Two days Workshop on RTl Act, 2005 Residential January 23-24,2023 Faridabad AJIFM Senior,Middle
31 Training Ethics in Governance and Preventive Vigilance Residential January 30-February 03,2023 Faridabad AJIFM Senior,Middle
32 Training Building Competencies for Personal Excellence Residential January 30-February 03,2023 Bangalore AOL Senior
33 Training Training Programme Regulatory framework/guidelines for CSR activities by CPSEs, its challenges in implementation and sustainable reporting Residential February 06-10,2023 Srinagar NPC Senior,Middle,Junior
34 Workshop General/ Office Administration and HR related issues like RTl Act, Establishment Rules, Review under FR (56)j, Enquiry & Disciplinary Proceedings, Vigilance etc. Synchronous March 14-16,2023 Online NPC Middle,Junior
35 Training Infrastructure Financing Residential March 20-24,2023 Faridabad AJIFM Senior,Middle